Message posted successfully! FlossGrip equals happy flossing

FlossGrip reaching the back of the mouth

The birth of a new flosser

Hi, my name is Gui, and around 1985, I discovered the dental floss, a novelty for us Europeans. What a nightmare! Nearly impossible to reach the back of my mouth. And my fingers! Is this a torture or what!

So I decided to invent a tool to floss easily. I rented a small room in the south of Brussels, my home town, and spent a whole year in seclusion, obsessed with the project. This is how FlossGrip was born.

At that time, I didn't have money to pay a model, so it's me on the packaging :-).

If you prefer a demonstration rather than a long explanation, I made a video for you.

It's easier with the right tool!

Blue FlossGrip loaded with floss

FlossGrip provides a firm grip for the hand, enabling fast, precise movements in every interdental space, especially at the back of the mouth. You can easily use the floss with one hand.

The floss does not slip out of the flosser and stays firmly in place during use, because the patented gripping mechanism is fixing the floss at the end of each prong.

FlossGrip works with any type of dental floss or dental tape.

FlossGrip uses much less dental floss

With FlossGrip, you need 5 to 6"  (13 to 15 cm).

FlossGrip floss consumption

Manually, you need 18 to 24" (45 à 60 cm)

Manual floss consumption

After just a few months, the saving on the floss expenses will pay you back the price of your floss holder. FlossGrip is endless refillable, which means less plastic waste in the landfills.

Green FlossGrip loaded with floss

We sometimes hear that, for hygienic reasons, you need a new piece of floss for each interdental space. A solution could be to rinse regularly the device, with water or even alcohol.

Moreover, the clinical study published on our website demonstrates that the average papillary bleeding index is decreasing by 30% after 3 weeks of flossing. With or without FlossGrip. Which means that the efficiency is the same. But the difficulty is much less.

Fuchsia FlossGrip loaded with floss

FlossGrip is an environment-friendly product: PP for the device, PET and paperboard for the packaging.

In agreement with the European standard AP (89) 1, the pigments used to colour the device are 'for food use'. For example, they do not contain heavy metals, such as cadmium.